Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Remember that we have our own discord server, join it! If you want to learn more about apex you can check this guide out. It’s useless to say that with the tap strafe you can go into spots that no one would expect.Īnd that’s it, tap strafe on apex legends can seem difficult but it’s not. I’ve played a lot of arenas and the most difficult thing is to win a close 1v1 with the enemy tap strafing every second. The best thing you can do to practice the tap strafe is to use it in every game you can. But for now let’s keep it simple, practice, and take all the time you need, 1-2 min won’t be enough. With this technique, you can even do a 180 and go back. The best thing you can try first is while doing a basic slide-jump change direction with the aim and with the scroll wheel a the same time. Once you’ve done that go into the firing range and start practicing it. How toīasically, you need to set a double input on the “W” key with the scroll wheel up. That’s caused by the fact that you cannot do a lot of inputs in a short period of time. This technique cannot be done with a controller or similar. This moving technique works by changing in a small amount of time (around ms) the direction of your character. Tap strafe on Apex Legends is a moving technique that allows you to dodge bullets or hide faster.

This is an advanced guide for people who already know how apex works, if you are not, you are gonna have a hard time following this guide. As always, there'll be new cosmetics and a handful of balance changes too, and you should be able to check it all out yourself at around 6pm BST today (that's when Apex's updates tend to go live).Wanna become a Tap Strafe Apex Legends god? Here is a guide about it, you’ll find all you need to know to become an apex legends tap strafer god.
On top of that, Rampart's heirloom weapon is being added, plus she'll have some discounted modded weapons for players to use in the 3v3 Arenas mode. Players can use crafting materials here to buy Rampart's Custom Modded Paintball Weapons, which sounds like fun.
Named Evolution, it comes with Rampart's Town Takeover, turning a section of the World's Edge map into a paint-splattered mod shop.
So, while Apex's next patch will no longer be removing tap-strafing, it is adding a new collection event to the battle royale today. Quake 3 had it's own version of strafe-jumping that a dev tried to get rid of because he didn't like everyone "bouncing around all the time". Movement exploits like this have existed in FPSs for yonks. Originally, Respawn said they wanted to remove tap-strafing because it's "inaccessible, lacks readability/counterplay, and is exacerbated by movement abilities." It's the sort of movement tech used predominantly by high-level players, and part of the argument is that it's not fair on console users (now that Apex has cross play), or folks using a controller, because they can't tap-strafe as effectively.

Most players who're experienced with this tech will bind "move forward" to their mouse scroll wheel to consistently pull it off. It lets you keep your momentum from the slide, then fling yourself around by 180 degrees to speedily hop around corners, or dodge enemies. To perform a tap-strafe, you need to spam your forward button after slide-jumping while attempting to move to the side.